Homestead Heros, Plants of Promise: Ground Nut & Strawberry

Groundnut (Apios Americana)& Strawberries too! I know last time I promised strawberries, but the American Groundnut is just so much cooler! Being a man of my…

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Homestead Heros Plants of Promise: Walking Onions

Egyptian Walking Onions Whether you call them walking onions, forever onions, tree onions, egyptian walking onions, or winter onions: these perennial alliums (latin name for…

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Homestead Heros, Plants of Promise: Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettles The oft maligned stinging nettle is considered by many to be a weed at best.  Something to be relegated to those wild parts…

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Homestead Heros, Plants of Promise: Daffodils

Today I’m going to start a segment where I identify plants for use on the homestead, their benefits, as well as how I am using…

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