July is traditionally the month when the homestead garden really starts to kick into production. You can really start to see the fruits of your labor! I found another gem of a prayer in the Rural Life Prayerbook. In case you haven’t noticed yet I’m really fond of this book, and the traditional Catholic prayers/blessings that were saved for us in it. Anyway without further ado:
A Prayer for Gardens and Orchards
Almighty and most merciful God, before our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned, they lived and were very happy in the Garden of Eden, There, as we read in the Holy Book, You would walk with them “at the afternoon air”, and they heard the sound of You in the garden.
Later, Your own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ began His fearful passion with His sweat of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. Dear God, ever since then, a garden is a holy thing. You still walk there with men, at the afternoon air. You walk with men who can see You and Your generous and merciful providence working for them in the green things that grow and the trees that blossom and bear such rich and nourishing fruit: men who can see again the cross of Christ in every tree, and His crown of thorns in every thorn.
Bless all our gardens and orchards in this broad land of ours, dear God, and give us a rich and plentiful harvest. Help us, as we go about our work here, to see You in Your loving kindness, working for us and with us. Help us to do Your will at all times. Then some day, we will walk with You and Your Son, and our dear Mother Mary, down the paths of another Garden, far better, far more beautiful than even the Garden of Eden. Amen.
Purchase your own copy of this fine Traditional Catholic prayer book from Amazon here: Rural Life Prayerbook
I just received my copy of The Rural Life Prayer Book in the mail. I couldn’t be more pleased with it. I was surprised by how full it was of traditional Catholic prayers and blessing. I bought it as a gift for my husband and can’t wait to give it to him. It’s right up his ally. Thank you for recommending this prayer book.
Awsome, I’m glad you like it! I got my copy for my birthday, it’s a really great resource.
Hello. I have a question that I hope you may be able to provide me with an answer. I’m a single traditional catholic woman looking to move out of Los Angeles to a safer location but want to find a place with a traditional catholic mass available. I do not have enough money to purchase land and need to work for an income. I am a senior caregiver. I’m not sure where you are located but might you have suggestions on a safe place with a TLM to relocate?
Thank you very much.
The Post Falls/ Coeur d’Alane area of Idaho has a thriving TLM community and plenty of opportunity for someone in your situation. I’m sure there are plenty of other areas that would fit the bill as well, but that area is a good one!
Hi, I clicked on the link in this article to buy ” The Rural Life Prayerbook” and It appears to be unavailable from amazon or ebay or Tan books?, or other online sellers. But http://www.EWTN.com has the Rural Life Prayerbook’s prayers posted for free on EWTN.com 🙂
in Christ, Ron, a traditional Catholic starting a homestead in Minnesota