With Holy Week soon upon us I thought now would be an appropriate time to share a short prayer to be said at Easter with a special emphasis added for folks who live a rural life or strive for one. (Reproduced from the Rural Life Prayerbook)
A Prayer at Easter
Today, dear Lord, we celebrate Your rising from the dead. We are happy with You that You have been Victor over death. We look around us at the green fields, filled with new life, and are everywhere reminded of You.
The seeds we plant seem dry and dead, but with the combined wonders of rain and sun, and the powers of earth, they rise from their death-like sleep and grow green and beautiful in our fields. The trees, too, that stood so stark and lifeless through the winter are now bright with living green.
With these reminders of a resurrection all about us every day, help us remember that death is not the end of things for us, but the beginning. Help us keep in mind that we shall rise again on the last day, to live with You forever. With You, then, will we celebrate the eternal Easter. It will be an everlasting spring for us, if we only realize now that there is no glory without suffering, no Easter without a Good Friday. Help us, by Your grace, to live the good lives that will merit this new life in heaven forever with You. Amen.
(Rural Life Prayerbook -Catholic Rural Life Copyright, 1956)

Beautiful! Thank you for posting. I needed this after today’s sad news about Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. God bless the residence of the Traditional Catholic Homestead! We miss living near you.
Christ has Risen! Truly He has! Happy Easter!
Thank you for the kind words Kathleen. We miss having you and your family around as well. Such a shame about the cathedral, hopefully some food will come from this tragedy. Have a blessed Easter-PAX