A little known fact about the Traditional Catholic Homestead is that we are completely off grid. No power line to the house, no land line for the phone, no cable or satellite television! There is some sacrifice that comes with this lifestyle choice, but there are many advantages as well. Check out this quick overview of our off grid homestead power set up…..

Although I really understood very little of how this electrical stuff works, it’s very impressive to know how self-reliable you folks are. How long would you say it took until you got comfortable with it all?
Your posts are always interesting and enjoyed! Please keep them coming.
God bless!
We really didn’t have much choice with being comfortable with our off Grid set up….we bought the place like this!! It was a matter of necessity to be able to diagnose problems and work on it ourselves due to the remoteness of our place. Thanks for the encouragement, it’s always good to know our work is appreciated!! PAX-Dave
My husband and 6 children are thinking about moving off the grid, but we are wondering how close would our nearest Catholic Church be if we lived in a remote place..any info would be great! How far do you travel to Mass?
Tara, we travel between half hour and 45 minutes to get to mass usually. That’s to our local-ish parish that has a enclave of conservative Catholics. To get to the FSSP parish we belong to takes around 3 hours. A remote area near a small town that has weekly services is where I’d try to limit my search if you’re really wanting to get away from things. I’d try to limit the commute to that 1/2 hour 45 minute range.
We live in Atlanta and we’re looking for Catholic community. Please let me know if this group is up and running. We would love more info.
We’re up here in Idaho, not sure which Catholic community you’re referring to Charles. Shoot me an email and we can talk a bit about it I suppose….
Im looking for a Catholic Community that my family and I can move in.
Ana, we’d love to help you out. Where are you currently or where would you like to move to? We might be able to give you some ideas or make some introductions.
I’d love to find. Catholic off-grid community. Please send me info! 😊