The treatment and curing of the ill and infirm is a long standing tradition within the Catholic faith. The ability to propagate and properly administer herbal remedies is a homesteading stalwart. I recently stumbled onto a series of articles documenting the Monastic tradition of herbalism from medieval times that continues to this day. I thought it was interesting so I figured I’d share….hope you find it as informative as I have
Some say the monastics of the Middle Ages merely kept good records of the classical era, preserved them, copied them, and made use of them. Others say they developed many skills and eventual sciences themselves through trial and error. What cannot be doubted, though, is that monks and nuns of medieval times had records, gardens […]
via Monastic Herbalism: Part One — Traditium

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for making it available! I look forward to part two….
hi, where is the link to the info? thanks so much!