For a long time I’ve been trying to put together a solid post on what it’s like to be a homesteading homeschool family. Well low and behold someone beat me to the punch and really kinda’ hit the nail on the head with some of the issues and drama that inevitably surround two highly time intensive lifestyles combined into one. Any way while I continue to ponder how to most effectively portray our Homestead Homeschool I thought I would share this post with you guys……
Homeschooling and homesteading when you have young children is most definitely not the easiest path a family could choose. It is one of those choices where you have to look to the long-term payoff, instead of the short term hardships.
via Homeschooling While Homesteading With Young Children — Spring Lake Homestead

Thanks for sharing our post! It surly is dramatic at times, isn’t it.
Words can’t really describe what it’s like….you don’t really know until you do it! It definately takes a strong team effort and some Devine intervention to pull off! Thanks for your great post and allowing us to share it.