The good folks over at New Catholic Land Movement (Kevin and Mary Ford) sent this post out today. I liked it so much and found it so appropriate at this time of year (Holyday Season), that I though I would share it. Just a kind of reminder that we need to keep our eye on the ball, we should be always looking towards the “end game” and what is in store for us.
Here’s a blurb:
“Death happens, and frankly, it’s simply a part of life, ironic as that sounds. I can’t help but think that one reason the world lacks joy today is that the average western person is largely disconnected from death. They are disconnected to the point that they are unable to cope with the thought of death. It’s a natural instinct, of course, to cling to life, but when one clings to it to the point of refusing to acknowledge the reality of death, dying becomes a scary thought.”
And here’s the full post: A Reflection on Death Detachment and Farming by Mary Ford