How to Make Your Own Tallow
Keeping with one of the quintessential homestead values of frugality, we decided to have our butcher set aside all of the trimmed fat from our grass finished beef from this year. Now a person might wonder why would someone want to render beef fat.
First off it seems wasteful and almost disrespectful to the animal to not keep and utilize this fine resource. The fat from your animal harvest is part of God’s bounty and to not make use of as much as possible from the slaughter fails to give the proper respect due to a creature that made the ultimate sacrifice to nourish our bodies. These are not merely commodity products to be wasted and tossed aside on a whim. Our livestock are honored members of the homestead community, and should be treated as such.
Secondly, being grass raised and finished, the fat harvested from our beef is actually quite healthy and nutritious. Grass finished beef tallow is high in omega-3 fatty acids and has the proper omega-3 to omega-6 fat ratio to keep us healthy. This is a fine saturated fat that our bodies can utilize, and can actually reduce cholesterol levels.
Beef tallow can be used in cooking and health care products. Tallow was traditionally used in food frying (it’s what made McDonald’s fries so tasty), and is rumored to be the key ingredient in some of the best pie crusts to be had! Grass finished beef tallow is called for in many homemade skin care products. It is valued for its high omega-3 and vitamin E content for this purpose. Lotion bars, skin creams, and salves can all benefit from a healthy dose of grass finished beef tallow!
Enough of the “Why”, now onto the “How”! The process is really quite simple. You don’t need any special equipment (though a meat grinder does come in handy), and the entire ordeal is pretty painless.
How to Render Beef Tallow
The first step is to gather up a big ol’ pile of beef fat. Have your butcher save the fat from your animals if you raise your own, or you can just stop by and ask them for some (specify grass fed/finished if you can). Most butcher shops are happy to give you the fat trimmings for next to nothing or even free! It’s a waste product for them and they usually have to pay to have it disposed of.
Next chunk up the fat in small pieces. The smaller the better here. This is where the meat grinder comes in handy. If you have access to one, grinding the fat in a meat grinder will yield the highest amount of tallow from your fat and will significantly reduce the time required to render it.
If you use the grinder you will have a much easier time if it is partially frozen. The use of a meat grinder is not required, but it certainly makes the process go a whole lot faster!
After you have your fat cut up or ground, put it into a nice heavy pot (we had quite a bit so we used the turkey frier pot), add an inch or two of water to the bottom (this keeps the pieces from burning while you get some fat melted down), turn the burner onto to medium high heat, and let ‘er rip. Stir every so often to keep the bottom of the pot from getting too much stuff stuck to it. The water will eventually evaporate out and you will be left with pure tallow and crispy meaty bits.
After you’ve rendered all of the fat down you should be looking at a relatively clear liquid oil with various bits and chunks floating in it. At this point turn off the heat, line a metal colander with some cheese cloth or a flour sack towel, and strain your rendered tallow through the cloth, and into sterilized glass mason jars. Wipe the rims of the jars down, grab some hot lids, and screw the bands down. Most of the jars will seal as the jars cool down. Any that don’t just make sure to use them first. The
unsealed jars will last for several months stored in a cool dark place, and the sealed jars can last for years this way.
As the tallow cools it should solidify and take on a nice white color. The flavor of the tallow should be mild and pleasant. Use your rendered tallow on any recipe that calls for shortening, oil, or grease.
From our three steers we rendered about eight quarts of tallow. This was from some pretty lean beeves, so you can only imagine what kind of yield you can get from a much fattier animal. The process for rendering lard from your hogs is essentially the same, and you can even render bear fat this way. I don’t know if I would try it with lamb, deer or elk, but who knows it could be really tasty, though I doubt it!
Well there you have it simple, effective rendering of super healthy fats for your homestead use!
Don’t want to spend the time and do it yourself get grassfed tallow here: Tallow. Or get the Lard/Tallow Combo pack (grass fed!)

Thanks, what a helpful tutorial, I appreciate it. I just rendered some lamb fat for soap making and it took several hours. Using the meat grinder is a great tip and I will certainly use it next time to help speed things along. I love your philosophy about not wasting any part of the animal as it is disrespectful to it and to God to do so. I completely agree. Even when i eat a roast chicken I then use the carcass one more time for chicken stock to totally get the most out of it.
Thanks again & God bless you,
You are welcome! If you grind the fat before hand make sure it is a little on the frozen side as it tends to goo up the grinder otherwise. Frugality, and making the most out of every harvest are a couple of the keys to living the homestead lifestyle! Thank you and thanks be to God. Pax!
I too appreciate your fine tutorial. However, one question that no one seems to give the answer to or cover in their “how to” is “how much of the lean do I need to trim from the fat?”
We cook 30-40 briskets at least 3 times per year so I have a good source for the fat. However, when we are trimming the briskets we not too careful about leaving some lean on the fat so I end up with a huge amount of fat with lean attached. If you know this answer and can share it, I would greatly appreciate it as well.
Hey Jack! That’s a good question and the answer is it depends…it depends on what you plan on doing with your tallow. If you don’t mind it having a little more “flavor” (like making fries or deep frying meat or fish) then it really doesn’t matter much if there’s some trim left on the fat you’ll just filter out all those bits at the end. If you’re looking for something with a more neutral flavor like for making pies or perhaps a salve or something where the final aroma/flavor is very important then you’ll want to trim as much of the meat out as you can. Hope that helps…
Hi Dave.
Okay, just finished my second batch of tallow. First batch came out beautifully, however the second batch is watery on top, maybe the top 40%.
First time I ended up putting it in the oven at 205. second batch I bumped it up to 220, like I would cook a brisket (this was brisket tallow)>
Any clue as to what happened? I was thinking about pouring off the thin stuff and then reseparate it and pour it into clean jars. Not really sure what to do.
My best guess on that one would be different fatty acid profiles (basically saturated vs. unsaturated fats) from the feed that the cows were finished on. It could be the temp, but I kind of doubt it. I would definitely try to separate the layers and store them on their own…..
So I’m wondering if I should reheat the tallow that I have already rendered.
There is clearly separation which I have poured off. It appeared to be oil rather than “fat” if you know what I mean.
What is interesting is that it was on top of the more solid fat.
With this second batch I did not trim as much of the lean out of the fat before I rendered it and I ran it through the food processor since i don’t have a meat grinder.
At any rate, your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Let us know how it works out for you Jack….