Why we homestead…

There are a multitude of reason a person would choose to live the homestead lifestyle.  It could be as simple as wanting to make a living off of your land to a deep seeded belief that the world as we know it is coming to an end soon (sort of a Catholic preppers thing), and everything in between.  I believe that for a person to be truly happy, fulfilled and successful living that homestead life there needs to be a balance in their motivation for living like this.  Somebody's homesteadThere are easier ways to make money than raising cows, chickens, pigs, children, a garden…. the list goes on and on.  Then there is the other end of the spectrum where you are constantly waiting for the cataclysmic event to go down, and when it doesn’t then what.  For me long term homestead success stems from a love of the land and the belief and desire that living on and off of, and with the land is the way that God intended us to live.  I realize this may not be for everyone, or the motivating factors for everyone to transition to this kind of living.  I do however, believe that there would be far less strife and suffering in this world if more folks thought this way.  I recognize and appreciate people who want to prepare for the TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) event that may or may not come.  As for me I choose to make a transition to a life that would be unaffected by all but the most extreme of events (i.e. Judgement Day, etc).  The probability is that we are looking at economic “restructuring”, social unrest and governmental chaos in the future.  When this happens who is to say, but by the looks of things it could really be anytime.  If the Yellowstone Caldera erupts, or a comet strikes Earth well then there’s not a whole lot we can do about that.  I look at the highest probability events and think that once I get fully transitioned to the homestead I envision for me and my family then those will be TEOTWAYKI (The End Of The World As You Know It)!  For us there will be very little change, and those changes will be relatively minor.  The way we do business will be a little different(maybe a barter economy vs. government currency, or whatever) but our lives will be fundamentally unaffected.

Living the life! Kicking it with the cows!
Living the life! Kicking it with the cows!

We will continue to work, pray, and provide for ourselves and our community.  The brand of homesteading that I subscribe to will allow for the meeting of our most critical “needs” on site and luxury items will be sourced from the local community.  I don’t think the way to prepare for this unrest is by stashing thousands of pounds of dried food, thousands of rounds of ammo, and cacheing firearms, although some common sense storage of goods is definitely called for.  Holing up with your back in a corner and waiting for the bad guys to come take your stuff leads to mistrust and a complete lack of community.  I think that knowledge and experience are what is going to be what saves us at the end of the day.  The community with resources and knowledge to provide for yourself will be the one that flourishes when things go bad.  I look to the future and have made the decision that the best way to provide for my family is do so at home, on the land.  This is what I feel called to do.  This is why we have chosen the homestead life.  The more individuals and communities that rally around the call to return to the land the more robust and resilient our society will be.  This is why we made this site to share what we are planning and going through with you.  Well I have to go move the cattle again so… until next time God bless!


Author: Dave

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