Preserving the Harvest….BACON!

So it turns out making your own bacon is super easy, way cheaper, and way tastier! A while back I attended a butchery course taught…

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Preserving the Harvest: Rendering Tallow

How to Make Your Own Tallow Keeping with one of the quintessential homestead values of frugality, we decided to have our butcher set aside all…

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Hardy Garden Vegetables for Your Winter Harvest

Overwintering Garden Crops for a Year Long Harvest In the spirit of my previous post on starting your fall garden NOW, I put together this…

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Preserving the Harvest: Biltong

I know you might be thinking “What the heck is a biltong?”, but stay with me for a second and all will be revealed!  Simply…

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Traditional Catholic Beef… Grass Finished How-To

Well now that we have officially finished, butchered, cooked and eaten our grass fed/finished beeves, I feel like I can share how I did it.  First…

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Wild Crafting Your Homestead Harvest

The ability to identify and utilize food that is growing wild on your property and in your community (or wherever you happen to find yourself)…

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Preserving the Harvest: Kefir

A big part of homestead life is providing for yourself with the abundance that the land and your community provides.  Along this line I’ll be…

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